About Dr. Karaba
David Karaba is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine (OMD) with over 18 years of clinical experience.
Dr. Karaba practices Integrative & Functional Medicine combining Eastern & Western modalities into a combined approach to help individuals reach optimum performance and health. Dr. Karaba uses evidenced based diagnostic labs & imaging to assess standard patho-physiology combined with a variety of treatment modalities including Acupuncture, Acupressure, Oriental Massage (Tuiu-Na), Herbal Medicine, Nutrition, NAET, Emotional Release, Cupping, PENS (percutaneous electrical neural stimulation), Stretching, Functional Exercises.
David Karaba currently lives practices in Newport Beach, California. He enjoys the beach and stays active: Surfing, SUP, Tai Chi Chuan, Rock climbing, Camping & Backpacking, Sculpting, playing Guitar, Banjo, Bass, and the Mandolin. Dr. Karaba has contributed to several books and publications including “Chinese Herbal Medicine and Pharmacology,” “Chinese Herbal Formulas and Applications,” and the nationally recognized “Acupuncture and Electroacupuncture Evidenced Based Guidelines.” Dr. Karaba is a founding member of the National Guild of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, a commissioner for National Oriental Medicine Accreditation Agency, and a member of the Foundation for Acupuncture Research.
Dr. Karaba has worked in many top clinics in the southern California area including Dr. Devi Nambudripad's Pain Clinic and at UCI's Susan Samueli Center for Integrative Medicine, where he served as an assistant clinical professor for the UCI School of Medicine and on the multidisciplinary pain conference at UCI Medical Center. Dr. Karaba has also had the privilege to serve as faculty and chair the Oriental Medicine department at South Baylo University. Dr. Karaba lectures to both the public and the health-care profession on variety of subjects.
Specialties include:
- Acupuncture
- Orthopedics
- Chronic Pain
- Personal Injury
- Sports Medicine and rehabilitation
- Allergies / Food Intolerances
- Functional Neurology & rehabilitation
- ADD / ADHD / Autism
- Anxiety / Depression / PTSD
- Autoimmune Diseases
- Endocrine Disorders
- Fertility
- Nutrition
- Herbal Medicine
- Performance Coaching
- Mobility
- Injury Prevention
- Kinesthetic Awareness
- Conditioning
- Recovery
- Tai Chi Chuan / Qi Gong
- Balance